15 May 2009

In which all is revealed in the world's most scattered post

Back in January, I wrote a post about why I was not ready to move back home to Oregon. One of my main concerns about moving back was a lack of jobs in the publishing industry. Commenter Ann Ominous posted a link to a job at Reed College. I checked it out. Seemed too good to be true. Reed was looking for a Managing Editor, someone to supervise the staff of people who are responsible for all print communication that leaves the college, someone who could also do some hands-on editorial work.

Um, hi, I'd be really good at that.

So I sent in my resume.

And guess what? I guess it wasn't too good to be true, because three and a half months later, that job is mine. Ann, I don't know where you live, but if there's any chance I could take you out for dinner, let me know. It's no exaggeration to say that you changed my life.

The interview process was long; I did three phone interviews and then went out for a campus visit. I love the people I met and will be working with, I love the campus, and I think I will love the job. I know I will love living near my family, and I know it will be hard to say goodbye to Boston.

I've been consumed with the idea of this job and the process of getting it since I sent in my resume via overnight mail way back in late January. It's the reason I've been posting less—it's all I've been able to think about, and I didn't feel like I could blog about it until I had a firm yay or nay. Getting that firm answer took way longer than I expected it took, and, too be fair, way longer than Reed wanted it to. In any case, I got the yay late last week, but there were a bunch of folks I needed to tell in person before I could post about it, and the very celebratory Florida trip interfered with getting the word out. But the word is now out: Oregon, here we come!

For the sake of myself and anyone in my life who has experienced significant hardship, I've often wished that there were a check and balance system controlling the events of our lives. When a really sucky thing happens, I feel like it would be nice to be able to count on a really wonderful thing happening to balance it out. (Of course, when a wonderful thing happens, you hardly want to be waiting for the awful to come as its counterweight, but . . . clearly, my system needs some refinements.) I confess that since John died, part of me has been waiting for some unexpectedly wonderful turn of events to befall Maddie, Riley, and me. This job is it. Nothing can make up for John's death, of course, but I'm still pinching myself to make sure I didn't dream this situation up. Job in my field? Check. In the city in which I want to live? Check. Amazing benefits? Check. Relocation package? Check.

And get this: I got laid off on Wednesday. Doesn't life work in mysterious ways? Now I have time to prep for our move, which is nice because HOLY CRAP there is a lot to do to get ready to move cross-country. So far I have:
  • talked to my realtor about a strategy to move my condo (read: lower the effing price even more, sigh)
  • arranged for all of our medical records to be sent to OR
  • booked our flights to OR
  • gotten quotes from three movers
  • picked up a bunch of boxes
I have a long way to go. I guess it will all get done somehow. At least now I can blog about it. I've felt so deceitful!

Who's moved cross-country? Any good moving tips? Last time I moved, all my stuff fit in my car. That's just not true anymore. I'm thinking of using PODS, or some similar service, as it's much cheaper than traditional movers. Experiences—good or bad—with that? All advice appreciated. You guys know how much I love to steal the ideas of others!

Confidential to Portland bloggers: We should start planning a meetup!

Confidential to Idol fans: Kris is in the finals?! KRIS?!?! This might be my last season as an Idol fan.


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ashleyjnc said...

Oh yay! How wonderful snick!! Loving it for you and the kiddos.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on landing the job! Wonderful news!

Carrie said...


Callie said...

This is incredible news! I am thrilled for you and the kids. If ever someone deserved to have the good break your way, it's you. I'm looking forward to reading your adventures from Portland!

Sending house-selling vibes your way!

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I don't know you at all except through this blog and yet I am tearing up. I really do think that working in an academic environment is going to be really good for you and the kids.

Anonymous said...

Such wonderful news! And I must add that I think it's wonderful news for Reed, as well. You are going to be a fantastic resource for them.

I have no advice on your move, other than to say I hope you will blog about all the adventures along the way.

If you're ever in Santa Cruz (CA), please know you have a friend there.


Kate said...

This is AMAZING. I am so, so happy for you.

About eighteen months ago I got what I thought was going to be the perfect job for me and guess what? IT IS ABSOLUTELY THE PERFECT JOB FOR ME. I hope the same is true for you as well and I wish you all the best!

Amy said...

HURRAY!!! Oh, I am so very very very happy for you! As someone who lives far from her family - I am VERY envious.

Last year we made a local move and we used PODS - and they were FANTASTIC. Our move overall was a horror story, but the PODS worked absolutely flawlessly. I would 100 percent recommend them, without reservation. The trickiest thing is actually packing the PODS in a careful way (we hired movers to pack the pods,actually).

I guess we won't meet in Medford now but I am SO VERY HAPPY for you!

Best wishes,

Lil'Sis said...


I'm so happy for you, for months you've been in my prayers and WOOHOO!!! I'm so happy for this amazing new job, the move, you, the family....just wonderful.

I've heard good about the PODS, but what other poster said, getting service to pack it so your stuff arrives in one piece:)

I've never moved across the country, I did a midwest to east coast trip, but that was before kids and we rented a truck and were ok with that. The expense of a moving company is so worth it though, and the ones that will PACK FOR YOU!!! LOVE THEM!

Can't wait to continue reading about this journey, and the layoff, serendipitous!!!

happy4u said...

I have chills - what fantastic news! So happy for you and your family! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

aren't you an alum of reed? congrats.

Sarah said...

YAY! I think I was one of those ones in January screaming GO TO OREGON. This will be fantastic for you. Best of luck and congrats!

Jess said...

My husband and I moved cross-country a few months ago (from DC to Denver) and I did learn a couple things. First, pack EVERYTHING in a box, because otherwise the movers will stick any remaining stuff (like lamps and trash cans) into boxes they bring, and charge exorbitant prices. Second, use sturdy boxes. Bookstores have great ones. Home Depot boxes fold really easily. Third, don't pack anything plastic because it WILL break in the truck. They wedge your stuff in from floor to ceiling and anything that isn't reinforced will not make it in one piece. Fourth, label EVERY box, as specifically as possible.

Also, read reviews of movers online! There are a couple great mover review sites that you can find by Googling.

Good luck! And congrats!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you and the kidlets!

beyond said...

wonderful! congratulations to all three of you... and so a new chapter will begin.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Good luck! Linda

Melissa in Grafton said...

Oh. my. god! I have chills too... just fabulous news. Sorry to hear you're leaving the Boston area, but it really sounds like things are falling into place for you. Yaaaaaaaay!

I instantly had a random thought: I'm kind of glad Mr. Coffee isn't on the scene to complicate this at all for you... if things had gotten serious with him, you might have been reluctant to make this move. Hmmm. So it's a good thing.

Being closer to family: yes, yes, YES!

So very happy for you. Hope that condo sells pronto.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you! Life certainly does work in mysterious ways and I think this will be the start of something great for you...

debangel said...

Long time no speak...but congratulations on the move and new job! I used PODS and love love loved it. A tip..find a couple of semi-pro movers on Craigslist to help pack it- they'll know how to conserve the most space and keep you from renting more than you need.

Sorry I've been out of touch...bad Debbie! I'm pulling for you!

Anonymous said...

Dar la enhorabuena a alguien!
That's congratulations to you!

Arwen said...

That is WONDERFUL news Snick!!!! I'm so happy for you! No moving tips here from me, sorry. I had trouble moving three blocks.

Peachy said...

Congrats Snick! I recently moved cross country from California to Washington DC, and shipped my stuff using Sterling: http://www.sterlingvanlines.com/

They are cheaper than most other places I got quotes from, and they specialize in small moves (under 2000 lbs), so if you don't have a lot of heavy furniture, they might be a way to go. Everything arrived in perfect condition (granted, I packed all the boxes myself) and on time.

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo Snick! I am so happy for you guys! You really deserve this. I don't know you IRL, but I am about to cry I am so happy. A great new job, good benefits and being close to your family! Wishing you the best of luck with the move and hoping you sell your condo soon.


cv said...

Of course I'm thrilled for you but the bummer is that the only person in the area who gains from your departure is Randy (our downstairs neighbor), grrrr.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I was so excited, I forgot! I totally agree with you about Kris on AI? WTH? If Adam had been gone, I would have been gone too, but I so don't get Kris. In my opinion, he has the personality of a stick. I just don't get it.

sappho said...


heather said...

That is amazing news! I just wanted to say a big congratulations. I'm envious of what seems like the perfect job in what we know is the perfect location!

We're from Portland and we had to leave due to not enough jobs/any higher pay in the area for my husband in his field three years ago. We left Portland to move to Michigan and have since moved to St Louis, Missouri, both moves with two young kids and no family around. It's awesome that you're moving TO family and will have some help on that end.
I have no advice about moving, as both of our moves were completely paid for relocations; they hired the movers, we didn't have to lift a finger, the whole works.
But I'd do it myself in a heartbeat if we had a good place to come "home" to in Portland.

I hope everything continues to fall in place for you and the twins and I wish you all the best in beautiful Oregon!

K said...

When we moved from California to SC we used ABF's UPack, which is similar to PODS. It was dirt cheap, and worked well for us. It can be a little tricky if you don't have a place to park the truck.

I have been following your story since John died. I am so happy to see you have such a positive opportunity. Good luck in Oregon!!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you! I hope that this job/relocation is all you hope for AND MORE!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!!!!!! This is tremendously wonderful news! I'm so excited for you, and your whole family. It will be so great for the kids to be near your family, and for your family to have all of you close by.

Anonymous said...

congratulations to you!!

you deserve this wonderful news--wish i could offer some moving advice, but my last x-country move was pre-twins (and therefore, totally irrelevant and useless).

best wishes, and hope you aren't too busy buying wonderful local goodies and great coffee to keep blogging!

Elizabeth said...

I cannot say enough good things about using ABF U-Pack to move (www.upack.com). I used it to move from San Diego to Boston. It went off without a hitch, the customer service was fantastic, and it was very reasonably priced. You may have to hire someone to help pack/unpack (admittedly, this part is a lot of work), but you have more flexibility on space (and, when I priced the options, it cost less) than with the PODS. Good luck!

What A Card said...

Congrats! We'll miss you here in Boston, but I just can't help being excited for you.

Rachel said...

Congratulations on your new job! It sounds like a great move for you and your family. And well-earned.

Anonymous said...


Such wonderful news! I've been reading since the CNN article, and I'll confess I've been a bit worried about the silence, given your worry about losing your job. So, so, so happy for you!

Supa Dupa Fresh said...

Amazingly I think I may have found my calling too, last week. Will blog about soon.
Moving tip: DON'T label the boxes. Only use numbers or letters on them. Use this code on one long side, one short side, and the top of every box. Then, create a big packing list that lists EVERYTHING. First say what ROOM it came from, then list all the items.
I think you already did this, but get rid of as much stuff as possible, especially papers and books (I know! Heresy! You can do it.)
I'm so glad your talents are taking you someplace, literally, that you love.

Elizabeth said...

Congratulations! I only "know" you through your blog, but I so happy for you! What a wonderful thing to happen. Best of luck with the move and new job.

Anonymous said...


We moved from Boston to Albuquerque last July. It's a bit different since I didn't have nearly as much to move, and we drove (with four cats) so my one suggestion is this -- ship whatever you can by mail, it's much the cheapest way. Books, CDs, DVDs can all go by media mail which saves a LOT. Non-precious items can also be sent by the good old post office. Almost everything I took with me was mailed, and it cost me about $400 to do it, including around 200 lbs of books.

Anonymous said...

So I happy for you. My husband and I used a Pack Rat (similar to a Pod) and loved it...it made moving and unpacking way less stressful...especially if you might not move right into a place...they can keep it for you and when you are ready for it - they deliver and you can keep it a few days to get it unpacked...

Melisa said...

Congratulations! I have been reading your blog for about a year and I am so happy to hear you will be able to live closer to your family! That will be great for your kids too.

Plus Oregon what a great place to raise kids!

Congrats! Best wishes

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you. And someone needs to be in Portland to keep Erk in line.

One of my friends here in MN is an alum of Reed College and was president of the alumni association a few years ago. She loved/loves Reed and I think you are going to have the best time there. It sounds like an amazing place.

Best of luck with the move--deep breaths! --AnnH

Anonymous said...

First, CONGRATS on the new job!!! How awesome is that?? I am very happy for you and your kids. You will be so happy in OR. And I'm sure your family will be too!

Second, I don't know how Chris made it to the finals...unbelievable. Allison should be there. No doubt about it!

MDT said...

This is great! Reed is no U of O (coughcough) but it is in Oregon so I guess that works :) Happy for you!

Raddit said...

Hooray! Congratulations! I'm so happy for you and the kids. I've been reading your blog for a long time now--I'm really happy to see some good news coming your way! No moving advice, but I read designmom too, and they just moved from NY to Colorado--like 2 weeks ago.

And so it goes said...

I so hear you on wanting the "balance sheet" in life to work itself out. you put words to what I realized I was feeling these days. I am so excited for you. Doing a little dance of joy and relief along with you. When things align in life, sometimes the feeling of "life as it should be" is so overwhelming. i look forward to following along on this journey.

Olivia said...

truly excited for you -- congrats! good luck on getting everything situated!

Meg said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I have been waiting to see what your news is, and I'm so excited for all of you!

LauraC said...

WOW OH WOW!!! Congratulations!!!

kim said...

Congrats to you, the kiddos, your family, everyone! Sounds like you'll have many wonderful adventures in your future!

Jen said...

*hugs* yeah to the power of blogging! Boston will miss you but Portland is such a cool city!

Melina said...

Oh my! Congratulations!

LadyBug said...

I got goosebumps reading this! I am so excited for you and the kids! What a blessing. you all are in my thoughts! *hugs to you all*

Libby said...

I am so so so happy for you! Congratulations!

Emma's mom said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you and the kids. That is just great news! And as to the move, if your relocation package will allow it, let professional movers pack and move you. It is so worth it.

Donn24g said...

A GIANT CONGRATULATIONS!!! What exciting news!! I couldnt be happier for you and your family... I am so thrilled! I am looking ahead to reading about the happy and exciting adventures you have ahead of you in OR. That is such wonderful news, you deserve this! And (besides you), I am a loyal reader of Ann Omimous' blog, I love her....we met(and started blogging) because of your blog.

So many congratulations again!! I hope the move goes smoothly, sounds like you will have lots of help. Ill send good vibes for selling your condo:)

Lyndsay said...

Congratulations Snick - I think it all sounds so awesome, and can't think of anyone more deserving!

julie said...

you are going to love love love working on a college campus. I worked at Berkeley for about 4 years and the energy is just amazing. Congratulations to all of you!!!!!

PDXTwins said...

Congrats on the exciting news. I live about 10 minutes from Reed off Hawthorne. You should join our multiples group, Full House Moms. My girls are only 14 months, but we'd love to meet up with you for a play date at OMSI or Children's Museum. Also, let me know if you need recs for things like a pediatrician.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! So happy for you! Good luck with the move.

Lee Anne

LA in NC said...

Congratulations to you!! I have been addicted to your blog since the CNN article....I've been checking back everyday just to make sure things are ok.
I have been anxiously awaiting any news or updates - and I must admit the wait has been SO WORTH IT now that I've read your post today.
I wish you and the children nothing but the best. Can't wait to hear more!

Take care,
LA in NC

Robin M Anderson said...

Wow, what exciting and wonderful news. It seems like you guys are really on the right track. How wonderful to have a job you will love, not to have to worry so much about money, and to be so close to your family. The fact that you were just laid off just shows how meant to be it is. Good luck to you!!!

ps I used pods. It was ok, hard to say if my things got broken because of the pod or if they would have anyway. It is by far a cheaper alternative though.

Liz Jimenez said...

So happy for you! I suspected that was afoot from things that passed through my Facebook news feed... So exciting, it really is amazing when things work out sometimes. I'm oddly jealous of your big move. :-)

We'll miss you in Boston, but seriously SO happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. I've read your blog for a long time and so happy to hear of something truly wonderful happening to you and your family!


Anonymous said...

Hi -

Another blog I read www.fromutopia.com - she moved from NYC to Oregon fairly recently - changed her blog to Dipatches from Utopia - after moving there! I think you would have some things in common! Maybe you can connect.

Best wishes!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you and the kids! It is so wonderful to hear this good news, a great new job AND being close to your family! I hope the Condo sells soon (I am from the Boston area and well aware of the real estate market around here, I will keep my finguers crossed for you). Best of luck with the move.

Catherine from Chicago said...

How exciting! I'm so glad for you and the kiddos!

twingles said...

It seems silly to say this since I don't know you but I am so happy for you. Yes, it's true, all things eventually balance out. Bostin is a great city but being near family is priceless. Good luck with the new job! And everything else.

cv said...

I saw a posting for a finance job at mercy corps in Portland. am tempted...

Snickollet said...


You should at least apply! You never know . . . You'd love Portland. And we'd love to have you.


Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! You needed this! We used PODS on our move from Indy to St. Louis and LOVED them. They are very very very organized and you can access your info from phone or internet (and also change your reservations very easily). I loved that you didn't have to be physically there for drop off or pickup. Look online for discounts- we managed to get 10% off. Not that you need it with a relocation package! YAY for you!

Susan said...

Congrats Snick. It sounds like it is all working out wonderfully. I hope you plan on continuing your blog once your out there!!

Katherine said...

What WONDERFUL news! I was missing the regularity of your postings, but understand now that it was for a GREAT reason. I am very excited for you and the twins and can't wait to hear about your new life in Oregon.

Michele (Moosh) said...

I am so excited!!!!!!!! We can meet, have our Maddies and Riley and Alex play, lament Idol choices, and all the other things we've had in common! WHOOOOOT!

Re: moving cross country....when I did it everything fit in my car as well! I have two recommendations--join AAA for some serious discounts and I'll get the name of the company who moved my parents. They were the cheapest and did the BEST JOB EVER. My parents have had bad moving experiences in the past but nothing by amazing things to report about this one company (can't remember their name, am emailing mom right now).

I am selfishly SO EXCITED!!!
(as a funny side note, my word for word verification below is "Stable")....I hope that's how you'll be feeling soon!

erin said...

HUGELY celebrating with you!!!

Jess said...

I used ABF U-Pack to move, which is one of those container things, like PODS are. We only needed one at the time we moved, but we found it be VERY convenient. We packed it ourselves - the main thing is to pack things so they won't shift.

I thought it was great though, because they left our container for a weekend, so we had plenty of time to get it loaded up. We were able to unload it basically at our leisure, and in between, didn't worry about it at all! Its a really convenient way to go. Also, I think if you're not sure where you're living, they will store the containers for a bit while you figure it out. (For some extra money, of course!) I would highly recommend them.

suz said...

That is such great news! Isn't it great when things sort of fall into place and work out perfectly? Hopefully the house will sell quickly and you can begin a new chapter in your lives without too much stress.

erin said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! all the best to you and the kidlets.

Nancy said...

Heard the news from WAC this morning at pre-school drop-off...we were literally dancing in the parking lot for you *grin* (well. I was, WAC may have had to pee ;) ) SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! Obviously...you'll be missed around here, but hey - keep up with the blog and we'll be able to hear all about the exciting stuff in OR! (BTW, my company is based in Wilsonville, OR ... anywhere near where you'll be?)

stephanie said...

We always do the Pizza & Beer move - we buy all our friends can hold and they load up the Budget truck! Your Dad could drive it or something while you follow in your car. Then when you get there you have your family to help unload, maybe some into a storage unit and some into your temporary place.

I'm so glad you have somewhat of a "new beginning" on the horizon, I do believe it will be very refreshing for you all. Congratulations and best of luck.

Anonymous said...

Congrats! This sounds perfect for you! I'm so glad fate finally played you a good hand.

I also recommend ABF U-Pack. I moved from Seattle to Virginia and from Virginia to Portland, and only one thing broke (a cheap plywood cabinet that movers in Virginia put too much stuff on). Definitely an economical choice if you can pack it with a bunch of friends. It cost about $3500 to move our 3-bedroom house. We had sold most of our furniture via craigslist but have way more stuff (books) than most people. If you need help unloading in PDX, I highly recommend Willamette Valley Movers. A+ rating in BBB. We used them to move from our townhouse in PDX to our new house in Beaverton, and they were awesome--even went to Best Buy to pick up a new fridge for us.

Anonymous said...

wonderful news. i always thought you would be better off going home. now you can!!

Mama Nabi said...

Why am I not surprised that we are both doing cross-country moves? And why am I not surprised that something good came out of our shitty situations? Hmm.. I guess we are still bizarro sisters.

(I can't contain it anymore) OMG!!!!! I am SOOOOO happy!!! Congratulations!!!! Perfect Timing!!!!! (boo, we won't be on the east coast together any more... and could we go any more opposite directions??? Truly bizarro, my sister...)

I hope the house sells quickly!


Mama Mama Quite Contrary said...

So so so happy for you but so so sad for me. I was looking forward to some twin playdates. All the very best to you-- you do deserve it!

Amanda said...

I moved semi-cross country a few years ago, and we used the ABF u-pack as well. It worked very well for us because you only pay for the space on the truck you need, and it was less expensive than renting a truck and driving ourselves. It also allowed for a more casual trip to our new city. We packed our essentials with us in the car, and we were able to take our time because we knew the truck would arrive a few days after us. That was great. As others mentioned, be sure to pack everything that you can in sturdy boxes and invest in plastic wrap, mattress bags, bubble wrap, etc. It's worth it to get it right. And, my biggest piece of advice is to not only label your boxes well with a number and the contents, but keep a master list (by number) of exactly what's in each. I had over a hundred boxes when all was said and done, and that list saved me many times.

Lastly, I've never posted on here before, but I've followed your blog for some time. I'm extremely happy for you and your family, and I wish you all the very best. And, I'm looking forward to reading all about it!

ann ominous said...


I am SO incredibly excited that you applied for and got this job! Don't worry about dinner, you have already paid me back :-). I started reading your blog when I was at a very low point in my life and the lessons I learned from your posts truly changed so many of the ways that I was thinking about life. I'm glad that I had the chance to pay YOU back for your influence :-)

~ann, in columbus, oh :-)

Rev Dr Mom said...

Congratulations on the new job! How very exciting!! And best luck with the move. We'll miss you on this side of the country but I know how great it will be for you to be with family.

Snoopyfan said...

Congratulations! May this be only one of many wonderful things to come to you and the kids!

comebacknikki said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!!

Karyn said...

Your facebook status made me wishing I had more info--thanks for filling me in over here! I'm so excited for you that everything seems to be falling into place. Good luck getting everything ready to move. What a big, big deal. Congratulations, Stacey. Really, really good news indeed. You deserve it!

Betty M said...


I'm Still Me said...

My husband and I moved from Western Canada to Eastern US a few years ago. We turned it into a week long trip so that days weren't long, but you're flying which is probably so much better with two toddlers! Congratulations on this wonderful change for you.

Grace said...

I am one of your many readers who don't KNOW you but haven't come to know you through the blog. Congratulations on the excellent job, and what a wonderful city! I've just returned from a weekend in Portland (I live north of Seattle). Best wishes to you, but please keep up the blog!

sarzini said...

Great news. I'm so glad things are on the up and up.

You may want to check out movingscam.com - I used them to find our last movers. Highly useful - especially the message board section.

Sarahviz said...

So happy for you. Kudos on landing the job!

Janelle Halverson said...

Long time lurker - just wanting to say congrats!! Hugeomoungus amounts of work but so well worth it!

Beth Young said...

What super news! We've been in Portland for a year now, and there might not be a better place on earth!

Jen said...

Congratulations! I am so delighted for you and your family. Excellent news.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. And just think, you haven't had time to accumulate too much stuff since the last time you moved.

Janice said...

What wonderful news. How exciting. I am so happy for you and your family. Good luck, and can't wait to hear all about it here!

Fraulicious said...

OMG, congratulations, how wonderful for you. We used PODS three years ago when we moved and wanted to have our stuff in storage inbetween (we traveled for a bit before moving into our new house). They were fabulous. We had to change delivery dates, no problem. Just make sure to check if you need any permits either end to have them placed on the street. Good luck arranging everything!

AE said...

Congratulations! I don't think I'm repeating someone else's moving advice, but if you do decide to ship your books media mail, pony up the extra cash for the insurance. When we moved from Madison to ABQ, we failed to insure our boxes, and wouldn't you know it, three disappeared in transit. Well, only one entirely vanished. In the other two cases, the boxes arrived. They were just completely empty. We filled out tons of paperwork itemizing our losses only to have the USPS tell us that without insurance, there was nothing they could do. Fair enough, but if that's the situation, why have us complete the paperwork in the first place?

Ab said...

Oh mazel tov!!!!!! So nice when things go the right way.

Unknown said...

Praise God! I found your blog via themeektwins blog and have been praying for you and the kids for months. God always answers prayer, sometimes we just have to wait a bit for it. Still praying the condo sells. Praying God's will & best for you and your family!

Happiness Is... said...

Congratulations!!! That is so exciting! We moved from Tampa to Arizona, and I do NOT recommend Graebel Van Lines. I won't bore you with the details, but they were awful.

I would recommend that you're strategic about how you pack...anything sentimental that you wouldn't want to lose, etc...keep it on you. You may want to bring it on the plane or figure out a way to keep it more safe, but that gave me comfort in the transition that is a cross country move.


Kristin said...

I am so happy for you. You guys DO deserve some happy news. The next few months are going to be so busy for you! Good luck!

Amy said...

That's such great news!! Congrats on the job.

Anonymous said...

Iyyyeeeeee!!! Congratulations! Good luck indeed with all the crazy logistics over the next while. Yay!

Julie said...

We've moved a lot because I am in the military -- here to overseas and back (granted, they pay for the movers, but still!). I recommend that you pack a suitcase or two with some of your clothes, and mail a box or two of clothes. You do not want to be wrangling suitcases with kids on the flights! The boxes will get there in a few days so you won't need to carry more than a few outfits for each of you.
Also, pack sheets and a set of towels in a box and be sure they are to the front of the moving van/POD/whatever you use. When you get to your new place, the beds will be moved into whatever room you ask. If the first thing you do is make the beds, then you can unpack on your own time but shower and fall into a nice place to sleep whenever you need to.
Good luck! Congratulations on the job!

eminpdx said...

Welcome to Portland, great job. The Reed campus is lovely (I live fairly close) good time to buy a house here too. If youre not bent on swanky you might want to check out the Foster/Powell neighborhood when house hunting. Its one of the last areas of town that hasnt totally been transformed into hip, but its affordable and there are some cool old houses. Good luck !

Anonymous said...

So you were rooting for Danny. Should have figured. Another shameless opportunist capitalizing on personal circumstances.

Jan said...

Way to go! This is certainly an adventure, and I wish you and your children all the best.

Sarah V said...

yee hah!!! Congratulations!!!!!

Becky said...

Congratulations!!! That is so awesome! Working at a college should be a lot better than being in the corporate world. I'm so excited for you!

I'm not a fan of either of the two people left on Idol either. Allison was the only one I liked.

OTRgirl said...

I am SO excited for you. Reed seems like a great place. It sounds wonderful that you'll be in charge of a team, I bet you're great at that.

Whew. For some reason, there's a load off my mind I didn't even know was there. Just a vague tickle of wanting something that fit for you in terms of job/lifestyle.

Elizabeth said...

That is fantastic news! Welcome back to Oregon, its a beautiful 70 degrees and sunny right now! Congratulations, you absolutely deserve this fabulous turn of events.

Holly said...

I moved cross country with ABF. You pack it yourself (with help from friends or movers of course)and pay for the amount of space you use. Then they drive it out and leave it for you to unload.

It's a bit cheaper than uhaul and you don't have to drive it.

Sell, give away and toss everything you don't need. You will be glad you did.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation! Nice to see good things happening for you!

Anonymous said...

Well... I was having a glass of wine anyway, but now it's turned from a good old regular glass of wine to a Celebratory Glass of Wine!! Nice!! This is AWESOME news;).

BrooklynGirl said...

I'm over the moon for you. How wonderful!

Lee Hannauer Gross said...

I work at Harvard and can attest to the myriad benefits of working in academia. Congrats!

(And I also work in an office with a seemingly limitless supply of good quality boxes. Let me know if you're interested!)

Ginevra said...

GAAAAHHHHHH! I was so worried this would happen! My heart is breaking!!!! Er, wait, I mean, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I will mend my broken heart somehow...

OK, now we HAVE to get together. I know you will have 8 million people to see before you go, but I have the lure of the new baby to show you. :-) Will call you ASAP.

Much love and happiness for you and the kiddos,

Julia said...

I am absolutely thrilled for you. Congratulations!

mommo4.5 said...

I am SO happy for you! I know you love Oregon because you grew up there and your family is there, of course but, having lived in the Portland area myself for a few years, I can see other reasons why you would want to live there. It is a beautiful corner of the world, and I've never (since 1981!) completely stopped missing it.

Here's to a new, exciting job, a new home, new friends and many new adventures!

All the best!

Sandy said...

I can't believe this great news!!! I'm over-the-top excited for you and am doing a happy dance!

My parents live in the Portland area. Such a great place. And you'll be near family. I'm celebrating with YOU!

Snickollet said...


Who said I was rooting for Danny? All I said is that I don't like Kris! I think Allison was the most talented, and I do like that Adam Lambert.


Amy said...

Wow, great news! I'm excited for you and the kids. It should be wonderful to be near your family!

susan said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad this job has worked out for you. That's just wonderful.

We moved halfway across the country last year. My relocation package was big enough that we were able to have movers pack up everything for us, which was incredible. What I learned watching them was to mostly just pack everything up in a room--when you are unpacking, and you're looking for stuff, you'll be remembering where it was in the old house. So just use the room organization to help you sort stuff. You can leave clothes or other not-so-heavy things in a bureau or chest of drawers, so use a drawer to have sheets and towels ready (someone else suggested having a 'first unpack' box and that would work, too, of course).

Getting rid of stuff before you move is also a good idea, which you've also been doing.

I'm so happy for you!

SMx said...

Congrats and welcome to the hood (I'm an SMC with 1 month old B/G twins and live down the road from Reed). I used a Pod-type company for both a move to Boston from SF and from NYC to PDX. The pods are especially good if you are still sorting out your permanent living sit in PDX. You can have the pod moved here and keep it in storage while you sort evrything out on this end.

Keen said...

Yay!!! That is such great news. I have to admit I've been waiting for that wonderful turn of events for you, Maddie and Riley for quite some time now, and it's been a long time coming. So, so happy for the three of you. I think being near your family will change your life.

Keep us posted! Can't wait to hear more.

Katie said...

Honest to god, I feel like crying. You DESERVE this!! Way to go. Way to make your way. Way to just do it. I am so impressed you and Mad and Riley. I am so happy you're happy. Well done!! Keep us posted on all the painful logistics, etc.
You have SO many people wishing you well!!

watercolordaisy said...


flylady.net has great moving and packing tips.

watercolordaisy said...

If you are going to use PODS and want less expensive movers to help pack the POD, call a big commercial furniture installer and ask if any of their guys do moving on the side. Those guys usually do fantastic work since their day job is moving very expensive commercial furniture around that if they bang up, they'll get fired for. They can only help after hours and on weekends but you usually get them for hundreds less than regular movers.

If you know an commercial interior designer, as them who to call.

Pack the boxes yourself and keep your blankets and rugs to be used for cushioning for the furniture if they aren't precious and can be washed on your arrival.

Anonymous said...

WOW - Well, congratulations and welcome home! I live in Washington wine country (East side/Yakima valley) and just love this side of the country. I'm so happy things are working out for you.

- Andrea (long time lurker/rare commenter)

Ellen said...

So great to read! Thrilled for you all.

tree town gal said...

I am teary reading this, Snick. I truly couldn't be happier for you - and it's about damn time that you had something wonderful fall into place. Joyful that you will be near your wonderful family - oh to have that support in your backyard instead of across the country. It's funny - although we haven't met, I feel like I just got great news! Congrats, lady. You and the twins deserve nothing less.

Kathy said...

I used PODS for an international move from the US to Canada and had NO problem what so ever. Would highly recommend them.

Good luck and congrats!

Unknown said...

Awesome news!!! Esp. considering the +12% unemployment rate here in OR. On the upside, once you sell your condo, it's a great time to be a buyer in the real estate market! Welcome (back) to Portland. And you'll be making the move at just the right time of year. :)

Beth in CA said...

This is just wonderful news, Snick!! So, so happy for you. One foot in front of the other and all the move stuff will happen, one way or another. (This post made me so happy!)

Nancy Jones said...

Longtime lurker chiming in to say CONGRATULATIONS! You so deserve this wonderful break! I'm so very glad you will be near family for all the love and support. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Meant to be, definitely meant to be!

Lizard said...

wow! Reed is a fabulous place. I went there, many years ago, and still live within a couple of miles. It is beautiful and really a nice place to work, from what I hear-- and I have a lot of former classmates and schoolmates who work there, so I do hear.

Great news for you and your family. It is really nice to hear something so good for you all.

Melinda said...

Another Portland Blogger here...

I have to admit that I had a sweet deal when I moved back from Boston--my dad was a mover. However, I have heard that PODS is a sweet deal.

Laura said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm more excited for you than is totally reasonable. I moved across the country (kind of against my will) for a job that I wasn't especially thrilled about, so knowing that you get to move to a place you love for a job that's perfect is really exciting! I wish you all the happiness in the world.

Pop and Ice said...

Congratulations on the new job! I am very happy for you!

jeninuae said...

Another longtime lurker here totally overjoyed for you! I've been reading your blog since I was pregnant with my now 9 month old b/g twins (found you through HDYDI). I'm a British expat based in the Middle East (United Arab Emirates) and was desperately trying to find information on twins, then spent a week reading through almost all of your blog history! I laughed, cried a lot, laughed again and learned a great deal from you. Every time my DH starts to get on my nerves I go to your blog and remind myself to be thankful for him. Thank you for sharing your life with us so eloquently and beautifully. Btw, it's also been an eye-opener to discover that there are intelligent, articulate and witty Americans...do you guys know how bad your rep is around the world?! I'm doing my bit now telling everyone I know :-) Congratulations again on the wonderful news, I'm grinning my head off over here! Good luck on the move, just make sure you label which box the corkscrew is in :-) Jen

yatima said...


Anonymous said...

From Texas I am sendin gyou a heartfelt "Yahoooooooooo!" I am so excited for you and for the kiddos.

Yes, you all deserved this and I am so happy that it's happened.


Boulder said...

Congratulations! It sounds like a dream job for you, and it is a lovely campus where you'll be working each day - can't beat that!

I'm happy that your life has dealt you a happy circumstance, as it sure feels like it has been a long, patient wait.

Courtney in Israel said...

Yay! Congratulations! My dream is for my husband to get a job as a professor at Reed. I love Portland.

We've moved across country twice, and we've used ABF. They deliver a trailer and you have three days to pack it, then they haul it, and then you have three days to unpack it. We've hired movers at either end to load the trailer with our boxes and stuff, but we pack the boxes. We've never had a problem with them.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you are Catholic, and neither am I, but when I NEEDED to sell my house, one of my friends lent me a Saint Joseph statue. You are supposed to bury it in the yard of the house you are trying to sell and he is supposed to help you sell it. Worth a try?

Ragtop Day said...

Wow - congratulations on the new job and even for getting laid off at just the right time. I hope you got a decent severance package, but even just the time is a gift.

I have used PODS and loved them! I needed two weeks of storage between homes which would have cost me something like $8000 with a traditional mover. I was able to fit in one PODS unit at the time, and my whole move cost less than $2K. I highly recommend them - pickup and delivery were ontime and well executed!

Kris in the finals is a travesty - he is B-O-R-I-N-G! I typically watch AI on DVR and I usually can only stand to watch the first half of his performance before I am bored into FF'ing thru it. I might be done after this season simply because of how much freaking time it takes every week!

Sending house-selling mojo your way - congrats again on everything else!

Kathryn said...

Excellent news, Snick. I'm so glad this has happened...now lots of prayers for speedy sale & smooth move. xxx

KD said...

Congratulations on the new job and the upcoming move! I am sure your family is thrilled that you and the twins will be living close by again!

We live down in Eugene, but our families are still up in Portland, and we lived there for many years before moving down here. We've always said that if we ever moved back, we would consider the east side...lots of well-established neighborhoods with tree-lined streets, bike-friendly lanes, plus coffee shops and organic/gourmet markets. The real estate market in Portland has remained relatively stable in comparison to the rest of the country. The Reed College area is absolutely beautiful!

I'm afraid I can't offer any advice regarding the cross-country move. (I moved from Massachusetts to Oregon in 1991 with my parents, and they handled it all, poor people). I will be keeping my fingers crossed that your condo sells soon that that will be one less thing on your plate.

Again, congratulations! I am very happy for you!

Maggie said...


Maggie said...

As a veteran of many long distance moves, I recommend you use a national moving company. I wish I had used one for my recent local move. The big companies are professionals and you will have little or no breakage. Other folks mean well and are cheaper but it's simply not worth the aggravation and possibly greater expense on the other end. You have enough to worry about. If you have to hire folks--and real movers, not off Craig's list--to pack PODs, you probably won't save any money. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

PAY THE EXTRA FOR THE MOVERS TO PACK YOUR STUFF!!! Seriously. Overall, it doesn't add much to the expense of a cross country move and with little ones, it is WELL WORTH the money. Just make sure to empty your trash cans first or you will be taking your trash with you to OR :-)

Lexie said...


Finally! This Portland Blogger is SO there! Very happy for you!

I moved from the midwest to Oregon in a uhaul I shared with a pot smoking lesbian with green hair and toe rings that looked like genitalia. It worked, but I wouldn't reccommended to a mom with kids.

I know others who have used those services where you get a portion of a big truck. They leave it at your home for a day, you fill it up, and then they drive it to your new place and leave it for you to unload. I could find the names of exact companies if you are interested. And Reed is very pretty. I'm so excited for you!

carosgram said...

So happy for you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have never left a comment on a blog in my life but I have been following your story for a while now and have tears in my eyes for you. You are amazing to hold it all together the way you do--sometimes it's all good, sometimes life sucks but you get up to live another day. Congratulations on the job and the opportunity to live near your family. I can't wait to hear what happens next! -Mom of 2 in Seattle

zb said...

Oh, Oh, How wonderful.

Can I say something really odd? I was actually fantasizing about trying to match you up with a friend of mine (who lives in Seattle, so not quite good enough for you). I read one of your latest posts, and I thought, my she's an amazing woman, and I thought about my friend, who is a very nice guy, and loves kids, and I imagined your twins and his daughter playing together. And, I was imagining this all, even though you were in Boston (well, and I don't know you at all).

I know you don't know me, and I usually post completely anonymously, but if this turns out to be a fantasy you'd consider following up on, I think my blogger email address will work (and you have it).

I know what you mean about "balancing", but I think the real answer is that there are some people who just keep trying to make their lives turn out the way they want it to be, even when they're dealt blows. They get rewarded, not by the fates, but by their own effort. That's what you're getting now, the reward for living your life as though life is always worth it.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy that you are happy. I wish you the best of luck on this new chapter in your life and I look forward to reading your posts again now that we all know your good news!


L. said...

snick, no advice. Just wanted to say I am thrilled for you and am terribly excited to follow your blogging as you make this big and wonderful change. Wishing you all the best!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, you will love being back on the west coast and closer to family

Fairlington Blade said...

Congratulations! I had my fingers crossed as soon as I learned you were visiting Portland. We'll have to see about doing something with that United ticket I've got hanging around.

Re: Idol - We were bummed that Allison got booted and were hoping for an AA final. That much having been said, both Danny and Kris have produced some fine performances and I thought either had a shot at the finals. (Where I expect them to be mauled by Adam.) Danny's scream should have gotten him booted as fast from Idol as Howard Dean's did from the presidential race.

If you need help for packing, we used Charles River Movers for our big move to DC. Really good work, though don't know about how pricey.

P.S. What is it with sad, snarky anons?

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm an editor, too, and saw that job listing and fantasized about a move (we live in NY and are looking for a way out)--and, well, I'm utterly delighted that you got it instead! Huge, big, giant congratulations! Enjoy every minute.

Melissa said...


You have a new job, a change of scenery, a book in the work! Wow!

Good for you.

Anonymous said...

Oh, thank goodness! You'll have the support you deserve, a great job, better weather. FWIW, we had a great experience with United moving from Boston to San Francisco. Door to door, great service, nice people.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and one other bit of advice: car shipping services can be a nightmare. Our car was smashed by the service while they were transferring it from one truck to the next, and they wouldn't pay for a rental car while the repairs were being done. If I were doing it again, I'd just sell my car and buy a new one on the other end.

orbgirl said...

YES. I'm so excited for you! Every since you first mentioned the idea of moving to Oregon a LONG time ago, I always felt it would be a great move for you to make. You and the kids have such great relationships with your parents that it just seemed like the right thing to do. I'm so glad you have been patient and let the right time find itself and now it's here! So looking forward to following along in this next chapter of your life. Congrats!!

django's mommy said...

SOOOOOOO fucking excited for you!!!!!

(and love your system of craptastic/fantastic life events, too. I have had similar thoughts.)

Serenity said...

Long time lurker - just wanted to say congratulations!! Since you posted about wanting to move back to Oregon I've hoped it would work out for you that way.

Yay! Great news! No advice about moving cross-country, but I suspect you'l do just fine.

Sadia said...

Congratulations! I love working in higher ed, and all my visits to Oregon (close friends, awesome family) have been wonderful.

kimberly/tippytoes said...

Congratulations! This is going to be so great for your family.

mames said...

awesome awesome awesome. it all works in so very mysterious magical ways. hello, OR. i am no longer a portlander and was only there one year but i viisit family from time to time and may run into you some day. yay!

Unemployed in PDX said...

I'm not a portland blogger but a portland reader and am stoked at the idea that i might run across my favorite blogger and her twins around town! Congrats!!!

lindsay said...

Hurray! We'd love to meet up once you guys are in town! H&E are younger than M&R, but would love new friends. We're in NE, but travel well. Let us all know when you're settled and we'll hang. ~lindsay

silene said...

Wow - what incredible news! I am so thrilled for you all, and pleased to see the universe still working in its mysterious ways. Best of luck with all the moving details - I'll be following along!

Tempest in a Teapot said...

I hope (I hope I hope) your new life is all you need it to be. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

In my congratulations I forgot about your move!

We're a military family and have moved eight times in 17 years. Here is all my accumulated wisdom:

1. This is a great time to purge stuff. Go crazy, you won't miss it. When in doubt, put it in a box labeled "Maybe" and you'll be surprised how much of the "maybe box" you'll let go of when unpacking.

2. No move ever goes off perfectly. With children under five, the move will go a lot better if things are driven and people fly.

3. Something important to you will get lost or broken.

4.It will all work out fine in the end.

5. So enjoy it as much as you can, take pictures and treat it as an adventure!


(another) karen said...

what wonderful news - CONGRATS and best of luck to all of you!

all the best,

Alison C said...

Wow this is woderful news! I am so excited for you all. Good luck and be sure to keep us posted.

Amelie said...

Oh Snick, I'm so happy for you!!

The packing is a lot of work (much more than I expected), so if you can get any help on this, great. Also, depending on how soon they promise to deliver your stuff, make sure you have enough clothes and other necessities readily available (our stuff needed a week longer than anticipated, but it might have to do with the fact that we moved to Spain..). Since you have family where you move, the initial accomodation, clothing etc. might be much easier to take care of. Good luck!

amber said...

What wonderful news!! I'm very happy for you and wish you all the best in pulling together everything for the big move. You sooo more than deserve this!!!

Jeanne said...

You so deserve this bit of good fortune (though the job I'm sure is hard-earned through all the work you ever done to prepare yourself). How wonderful to head back home where you can start fresh and yet familiar and have some close-by family support.

I'm not sure I've ever been so happy for someone I've never met!

Emmie (Better Make It A Double) said...

Oh, yeah!!! I had a feeling you had something up your sleeve...

grimeysgal said...

Congratulations!!! I'm soooo excited for you and the kiddies! What an amazing opportunity and for you to be close to your family!
I'm so happy for you all!
Congrats again and Good Luck with the move! When's the big day?

Jana said...

Congratulations! You totally, totally deserve this goodness.

I used ABF U-pack for my last move and found it to be pretty reasonable. You can get a free quote on their website.

JudithNYC said...

I am so very happy for you and your children.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I have really missed a lot!

Anonymous said...

yaaayyy Snick....... congratulations. You deserve nothing bust the best! All the best for your future and your job!!

islaygirl said...

as someone looking for exactly that sort of job, this gives me hope. and CONGRATS. yay!

Coral said...

Congrats on the job.

Can you not rent out your condo?

mar said...

Wow! Congratulations -- amazing news. Very happy for you and your family!

(i) said...

I'm so glad everything is turning out so nicely for you, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on this new adventure in life!! Keep us posted!


Barbara said...

I'm so very happy for all of you. Don't forget to check the dishwasher before you finish packing. It's easy to leave something behind there.

Anonymous said...

How exciting. Makes me tired thinking about it, but it will all work out. People have given you great advice, the purging. We moved across town and I was totally thinking 'what the heck did we save this for??'

S said...

Congratulations!!! Finally, some good news! Enjoy it and revel in it! It's so good to start a new chapter in life, especially after devastating situations.

I moved across country soon after my father died and after I couldn't take another day of life in a stressful situation.

We used Northwestern moving company. We packed our own boxes and even loaded up our cars. Some china broke along the way with Northwestern.

Friends of ours have used PODS successfully.


Kim said...

Congratulations! As it happens my brother and his family are moving to Oregon from Ohio and they are using the pods. So far, so good and cheap!

Claroux said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am thrilled for you and your kiddos!!! My Dad moved from NJ to New Orleans in the Fall and he used PODS. He was VERY happy with it. And it was SOOO much cheaper than traditional movers. Of course, you have to do alot of the work yourself - but in some situations that's not such a bad thing. Plus - the POD was here in NJ for a week and then in LA for a week so he had plenty of time to pack and unpack. GOOD LUCK! I can't wait to read as your new adventure unfolds!

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