26 February 2008

Nothing makes you feel like the world's greatest parent . . .

. . . like arriving at daycare to be greeted by your son saying, "No home!" then sobbing while having his coat put on, being strapped into his carseat, and during the entire drive to the house. "No home!"

Luckily, he turned the corner when we got home and "No home!" turned into "No baby fry!" and a relatively smiley boy.

Thank goodness for that since his sister was a mess. A mess! I think she's constipated (I'm sure you all wanted to know that), and she was really uncomfortable and also really tired. Poor baby. I hope she sleeps well (for both of our sakes) and doesn't wake up with some kind of ouchy bum situation.

Anyways, the scoop from the doc is that Riley does have eczema. The doc prescribed a topical steroid and, until what he's got right now clears up, a nightly dose of Zyrtec. I put the cream on tonight and he was up for about thirty minutes between application and bedtime, during which he did not once profess to be itchy, so I'm hoping that he'll sleep better and feel better soon.

I have a lot of good friends. Thank you for all of your supportive comments and helpful offers and messages. I really appreciate all of it.

Must focus on Idol now.


BrooklynGirl said...

My son had the same fit today: 45 minutes of screaming that he wanted to stay at school and play with his friends (all of whom had left) and under no circumstances did he want to go home with me.

Some animal crackers turned things around eventually, but I think all of Brooklyn witnessed the event.

Can I show my face at school on Thursday?

uberimma said...

Ohh. That's rough. But you know it could be anything--my 3 yo does it too sometimes.

I don't comment often, but I check in every day. I am sorry you are sad. I wish I had something more helpful to say than that.

Eva said...

Glad that things feel a tiny bit better today, and that there's some control for the skin stuff. My son has skin issues, too, and we find that loading on Eucerin cream (not lotion, but cream) helps keep it in check, and mixing it with cortisone helps when it gets bad. My son also fights us and screams every time we put on his snowsuit at daycare, and the staff always look at us in amazement and say he never struggles with them when it's time to go outside.

I still love no baby fry!

debangel said...

Zyrtec? You'd better believe he's going to get some sleep- that is some good stuff! I'll bet he feels great in the morning after the relief and rest. Poor little man.

Will Maddy drink prune juice? That kills constipation pretty quick. Especially since you can't just feed her coffee and a bran muffin and get her stuck in the morning commute. Not that that's ever happened to me, of course ;)

Anonymous said...

Are you giving Riley bananas? My 1 year old grandson has been taken off bananas as they can give toddlers eczema (which I never knew) and he was breaking out. Sending you hugs from an asthmatic but no peanut allergy or eczema survivor...

mumof4 said...

No mention of the large glass of wine though whilst watching Simon...come on now, you know you deserve it.

OTRgirl said...

Sounds like a rough couple of days! Don't have the brain left to comment in any meaningful way, but wanted you to know I'm checking in and thinking of you.

susan said...

Oh, these phases are hard--but it's amazing how things like "baby no fry" come along with the more exasperating parts of kid development.

Wishing you some happier moments as you ride out the week.

Sara said...

You've got to reframe that....it means you've picked a fabulous daycare where your son has a blast. Just remember, it's so much better than having a child desperately unhappy after you leave him. Toddlers are very in to being where they are, I think. Mine, almost two, clings when I drop her off some days, then runs screaming from me when I come to pick her up.

I'm sad for you. I guess nothing can make that disappear, can it?

Anonymous said...

Please take Riley to be tested for food allergies/intolerances. I spent my entire childhood itching like crazy and only found out in adulthood that it was due to wheat and dairy intolerances. Looking back I can clearly see how my development and overall health was affected by this, compared to that of my siblings.

I don't care what the doctors say, steroids and cortisone is bad for anybody, let alone a toddler. At best, it only masks the problem and even worse, in the long run it creates severe problems of its own. I had a host of horrible symptoms stemming from the medication.

Also speak to a good naturopath, if you can, to get natural long term solutions. The cure for whatever is bothering Riley is out there, I sincerely hope that you find solutions quickly. Good luck! You are a very brave woman...

Kathryn said...

Hope you've all had a good night's sleep and that today runs smooth...in all respects xx

Anonymous said...

Glad Riley found some relief w/the steriod creme. Hope he also does well with the Zyrtec - please know that it can cause behavioral issues in little ones. My son took it for years (seasonal allergies) before we removed his adenoids. But he has two cousins who have had MAJOR mood swings & tantrums while on the Z. Just a thought...

PS David Archuleta is still the cutest thing EVER. I am so in love, and I'm old enough to be his mother!

Andria said...

Oh, I think I had it bad with just one cranky little one. I can't imagine two at the same time.

Mary Ellen said...

The last few days, I've gone to pick up my 3-year-old and found her very busy with friend, which is nice, of course... But then I say, "Ready to go?" And she says, "Ummm. No. I don't think so."
Try prune juice (which is much more appetizing to the little people) or apple cider.

Anonymous said...

Just catching up now... and that "No baby fry!" thing is HYSTERICAL. Damn.

Buddy has eczema (but no peanut allergy or asthma -- yet) and the doctor gave us prescription steroid Aquaphor. I HATE using it on him, but when he is near tears (and then I'm near tears) because it's so painful, I reluctantly put it on. After reading what Ingrid wrote though, I feel even more guilty about it. I have tried lots of different creams/body washes/detergents/etc and sometimes they work for a little while... and then they stop working. I think I've bought out the Whole Foods baby aisle and that stuff ain't cheap.

Sorry things have been rough. I'm glad you had some visitors and help, but I know sometimes it makes it harder when they leave because they are so sorely missed.

You ARE the world's greatest parent. You do much more than the rest of us mere mortal parents, and then some.

Aunt Becky said...

Ben used to do that, too. It was so heartbreaking to me, but eventually he got over it.


Jen said...

ya know.. if riley has ever been around ben and french fries.. i could see exactly where the "Baby No Fry" would come from.. ben can't even see them without going nuts and will knock over just about anyone and anything to get to one. it's not like we feed him that junk.. (but we obviously have given him a few or he wouldn't be in the know)...


Mama Nabi said...

1. So funny that LN did the same thing yesterday - "Go THAT way. Not that way. I want to go back to school!" Sigh, wish I had read this yesterday so I could have taught her "No baby fry" instead.
2. I think it was Spiderman's aunt (in the movie) who said, "You do too much. You're not Superman, you know." (or something similar...) You ARE a SUPERMOMMY already.. and you do do too much. Wish I could help... hell, I'd do YOUR laundry... now that I don't do PN's laundry, I can take on some more. Wanna ship your laundry to me? :-)
3. Seaweed. The kind that's already cut up and seasoned. Or not - LN loves it either way. That stuff is like magic constipation-go-away thing.

Anonymous said...

I just got my first eczema diagnosis {on the bottom of my foot}. My dermatologist said that the more powerful steroids {pills/shots} cause a blowback effect where it comes back worse than it was when it cleared up. I'm also finding that true with the cream.

I hope that it doesn't happen to Ri-man {even more than i hope the baby doesn't sneak over and get a fry}.

Anonymous said...

Long-time lurker here. My son is 4 and started with eczema when he was 6 months old. His physican gave us a prescription and sent us on our way. Over the next year or so my son was put on multiple rounds of antibiotics because the eczema became infected. He was a mess. I got sick of using medicated creams (one was Protopic which later was taken off the market and given a black-box warning...) and took my son to an allergist. We removed all foods from his diet that came up as "allergies". I put this in quotes because false positives are common in kids with with eczema.... Anyway - we made major diet modifications, changed laundry detergent to Seventh Generation, changed soap/shampoo. Eczema TOTALLY disappeared within weeks. My son was literally covered in it... Hope this helps - sorry for the long comment. I wish you the best and admire you very much - you are an amazing mom!

Anonymous said...

The Pickle almost always cries and protests violently when I bring him home after we've been out and about. He struggles as we come in the door. Then sometimes he grabs his handcart and repeatedly runs it into the inside of the door, demanding to go back out.

Anonymous said...

Me again. Apologies to halfmama for the guilt trip :) I can only hope that some good will also come from all the advice given by everybody.

Banning toxic chemicals from the home has also helped greatly in conquering my health problems. Take a look here if you have a moment:

No need to watch the video, just scroll down and read the article. Amazing! And amazingly simple.

Angela said...

I am so very sorry you are having such a tough time, I can't even imagine how stressful it must be for you. I am always amazed at your honesty and ability to ask for support. I hope things/life starts getting a little easier, you deserve peace, joy and laughter. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, sending you warm hugs and good thoughts, wish I could more.

Julia said...

Sorry about eczema. A friend's kid has that and it just isn't any fun.