26 July 2007

Holy Cow

The twins and I had a glorious, wonderful evening. The stars were aligned and all was well. Who knows what was the cause, who cares. It was awesome.

The kids were in great moods when I picked them up from daycare. Riley was wearing a hot-pink cardigan belonging to the exceptionally petite college student who is working at the daycare for the summer. It's a good color on him.

We went to Trader Joe's on the way home an ran into an orchestra friend who I had not seen in months.

The kids were all mellow and happy on the walk home.

We got home around 5:40 and immediately went in for dinner. Dinner went great. I gave them raspberries, carrots, green beans, and pasta, and let them go to town. They ate a bit of everything, and finished the raspberries and pasta. As soon as they started to wipe food around on their trays and clearly indicate that they were done, I wiped up the trays, gave them their water, and served up the oatmeal. They had fun trying to eat with spoons and didn't really try to throw their bowls much. When the oatmeal was done, I let them have a string cheese while I cleaned up. Yay, babies! What a great meal!

As I was washing their bowls, I realized that the nonskid ring on the bottom could be removed and flipped over to . . . make suction cup bowls! We'll try that tomorrow.

We had a great playtime and bathtime and they've been sleeping for 1.5 hours. Ahhh, I needed that evening.

Even better, I came home sick from work after lunch. I'm feeling much better now, and managed to both relax at home (I'm addicted to Arrested Development on DVD) and get a bunch of baby food made. Yay! I'm hoping to relax a good bit tomorrow while I "work from home."


Anonymous said...

YAY!! I'm so happy for you all. Small steps, small steps. Hope you get even more rest tomorrow. Feel better.

scarp said...

Hooray!! Well done (with the babies and taking care of yourself!) :)

Angela said...

Oh the great days are so wonderful.

amyinbc said...

Sounds like you had a great evening with the kids and good for you all on meal time.

Hope tomorrow at home is equally rewarding :)

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you had such a good evening! i hope today goes equally as well, if not better
- spare teeth (tousquireste.wordpress.com)

Christine said...

Yay! So glad things went better for you. I'm learning from every post.

Anonymous said...

Little Victories are GREAT! Glad you had a good evening, and good thoughts for many more!

Kim said...

Sounds like a great night. And it's so true, daycare is exhausting/stimulating and makes for cranky babies/toddlers! I'm getting ready to transition my 22 month old back to daycare (I've been home for 1.5 months in between daycare spots) and not looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Considering how much you hate your job, they seem to treat you pretty well! Not many places would let you "work from home!"