28 March 2007


Meeting with GH's oncologist today. Feeling apprehensive and, due to stress, crabby. GH's doc said last Friday that if she came up with a way to place an external drain or found another solution that she'd call us before today's appointment. We have received no call. This does not bode well.

Trying to remain positive. Having only intermittent success.


laura said...

If you can't remain positive, can you simply remain neutral? I'll be thinking of you both.

Unknown said...

Sending good thoughts. Maybe she forgot that she told you she would call; maybe she is waiting to hear back from someone regarding an idea she had. I'm getting nervous tickly-tongue feeling (is that weird?) I used to get before my husband's appointments--a feeling, I should note, that was always independent of whether we were getting good or bad news.

And can I just say how gorgeous your twins are? I tried to comment on an earlier post but my wireless was doing a Diva routine and cut me off.

Anonymous said...

Always checking in, reading, and thinking of you. Call if you need me.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all. Everything is crossed for good news here.

Klynn said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you. Waiting impatiently for your update. ::Hugs::