20 December 2006

Meme: The Year in Review

I've seen this meme at a few other sites and have found the results so interesting that I thought I'd tag myself. Here is the year in review using the first line of the first post of each month:

Resolutions 2006: #1. KILL CANCER

Went to visit friends with boy/girl twins over the weekend.

About three weeks ago, GH and I were laying in bed, talking about cancer and how much we hate it, and our conversation took this turn:
ME: I'm so tired of waking up in the middle of the night to cry.
GH: You do that too? I thought I was the only one who did that.

The in-laws have been taken to the airport.

Saw the twins yesterday.

The twins are scheduled to arrive on 22 June, the first day of the astrological sign of (drumroll please . . . ) CANCER.

Life with newborns is all about firsts

We've got the documentation we need for Canada, so we're out the door this morning.

I'm here! I'm alive! We survived Florida!

My mom came to visit for a week.

I'm a day late (and thus, I suppose, a dollar short) to officially register for NaBloPoMo, but I've made a personal commitment to posting every day for the month of November.

Hello, Monday that fits all Monday-related stereotypes.

Pretty accurate reflection of my year. Cancer, twins, travel, and visitors! That about sums it up.


OTRgirl said...

Catching up the last few days. I'm so sorry to hear about GH. I can't imagine how frightening this must be... I like the year in review meme, it does seem fairly accurate.

Yankee, Transferred said...

ooooh what a year! Sending my love.