My mother-in-law just got back from an extended trip to Korea. She bought us a lot of
stuff while she was there, including a heat lamp of the type that considerate acupuncturists use to keep your feet warm during a treatment. I was all excited about this until I realized that it it designed to be used in Korea with Korean electricity. I know that we could buy a converter, but this is no hair dryer that I want to use in France. This thing is going to suck up a looooooot of energy. Seems like a converter would be a bad idea.
But I digress.
I promised a game and a game there shall be! And please let it be known that this is my second post of the day; I didn't think that whooping cough post counted.
So here's the game. It's a guessing game. This is one of the items that my mother-in-law sent us. We're not sure what it is and we haven't had a chance to talk to her about it and find out. Do any of you Internets know?
First, a front view of the device. It's about the size of a rolling file box:

Now a view of the interior with the lid off:

In case any of you speak Korean, here's a close-up of the control panel:

And finally, a close-up of the logo on the front of the device:

GH thinks it's some kind of foot bath. I think you cook something in it. What about you? Thoughts?
My first thought was a foot bath too. I actually went to their website (listed on the front of the product) and indeed it does look like people are sticking their feet into it. The pictures are a bit hard to see but it looks like the same thing.
I had no idea what it was with the lid on. With the lid off, it does look like a foot bath. But that character on the logo is throwing me off...what the heck is it?
If you surf around on their website it repeatedly says "A bath for foots." That's all I got.
(look at the menu)
Could it be a paraffin bath? And the lid to keep the molten paraffin from getting gross? Did she give you some (as of yet) unidentified waxy rectangles of paraffin?
yes, it's a foot bath. the front is in japanese, as is most of the control panel, but the korean bits (black on yellow) seem to indicate that this is indeed a foot cleansing device - with an adjustable thermostat, ooo la la!
although the above comment (from deb) re: the paraffin possibility was my first guess as well. i stayed in a korean aftercare centre for 2 weeks after I gave birth and those feet tubs/wax molds/vibrating pillows *abounded*. very nice, actually. :)
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