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You can see us sweating! It was seriously hot. |
Three weeks later, he was diagnosed with terminal cancer.
Days after John got his diagnosis, being comforted by The Best Cat in the World, Dinner. |
About 18 months later, Maddie and Riley were born.
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Mads on the left, Riley on the right. |
And ten months after that, John died.
Last pic of John with the twins, three days before he died |
Now, I'm 47.
And the twins are 13.
And today would be John's and my 15th wedding anniversary. Only he's dead, so it's not, but that's always felt a little weird to me because it's not like we chose that ending, or did something to undo being married. I mean, obvs, I can't be married to a dead person! Creepy! But I do feel cheated out of 13 years of not being married when it wasn't my choice to be done with that.
Most people I interact with day to day never met John. That's been true for years now, ever since I moved back to Portland. I have probably even blogged about that, but hot damn, it's been so long since I blogged that I just don't remember. The kids and I talk about him; they are at an age where they are really aware of not having a dad, and want to know more about him, know how they are or aren't like him. They miss what they have never had; I miss what I briefly had but didn't get to keep.
I've been thinking about coming back to blogging for a while now. I dated someone for a long time who did not like being mentioned on the blog, and I respected his wishes, which meant that I mostly didn't blog during our relationship because it was such a big part of my life that I couldn't figure out how to make that work. In retrospect, our very different approach to public/private life was likely a harbinger that despite both of us being wonderful people, we were not destined to choose a life partnership. But it ended up taking us five years to figure that out, and by then, I didn't know how to come back to this.
Still don't.
But trying.
Over the intervening years, quite a few people have reached out to me, so empathize, sympathize, ask for advice. To all of you: I'M SORRY. I didn't reply. I . . . I . . . I needed that time away, I think. I needed a bunch of years where I put the widow part of my identity aside so that I could figure out who I am in the wake of years of all-consuming grief. During those years, it was just too much to feel all of those feelings that people had when they would reach out to me after finding themselves facing a similar situation to what John and I faced in 2004. So I'm sorry for being selfish, at a time when I understand just how much you needed to know that someone else gets it, and that you can and will survive.
I've recently had occasion to think about the grief of not getting to have something, of the conundrum of the wrenching, wretched realness being cheated out of something you wanted and even felt like you DESERVED. This summer I was blindsided by something happening that brought all of that up to the surface for me, with an intensity that took me down crying for days. Truly, I was crying all day, every day, for days. I didn't even know I could do that. It sucked. Dumb grief that never, ever ends.
But all of those tears, once they passed, I found that they had opened me back up to a big range of feelings at the opposite end of the spectrum: happy, curious feelings that I also hadn't felt with such intensity in years. This coexisting of things that seem like they can't both be true at the same time, yeah. That is something that this stage of my life seems to be full of, which is confusing and beautiful.
I'm going to try being back here, to share the beautiful confusion, fifteen years later and counting.
So nice to hear your voice again, what beautiful photos and memories...
It's so nice to read your voice. I have thought about you over the years.
Glad you're back!
Having followed your blog for years, I was delighted to see this post pop up in my reader tonight. I’m so glad you are back!
Thanks for coming back!
I have kept you in mind and often wondered how you were doing in life along with the twins ...so lovely to read your words and hear your voice again !
Welcome back! It's good to "hear" your voice again.
So happy to read this
I so agree with others - this popped up in my feed reader and surprised me (wonderfully so!). Sorry you had to go through the yuck to get to the good but sometimes life has a way of shaking us up. Welcome back!
After all this time, so good to see you back again. Been too long. Please continue and welcome back.
Missed you! So glad to see you writing and pics of the twins!
I was so happy to see a post from you! I'm glad you're back.
I'm glad to see you back, and that you and the twins are doing well.
Welcome back!
Well I for one an teary, like reconnecting with a long lost friend. Your kids are beautiful and I'm glad to hear you are all well. I'm looking forward to your being here again.
I just want to echo what others have already said, I was so excited to see your name in my feed reader!
This was such an exciting surprise! Welcome back!
Thanks, everyone! It's great to be back!
Wow, I’m so happy to see you back. I must’ve started following you during the “pregnant with twins” phase (mine are 13 too) and have wondered how you’ve been. Look forward to you writing more.
Welcome back! So sorry it's because of hard things and grief, but I am glad that there are some beautiful things in the midst of that.
So pleased to read your words again. Thank you for sharing.
Echoing the chorus of joy to see a couple new blog posts from you. When I became a widow at the age of 36 in 2011 in Portland OR, some of the biggest support I got was from reading your blog and other young widows'. I didn't know (remember) we live in the same city! Thank you for being you.
Count me as another who was thrilled to see a new post (two!) from you. Welcome back!
I followed you back when I used to blog, long ago, as a pseudonymous academic (like seriously long ago...2004-2011ish?), and I'm not sure how I even first came across your blog, but I'm glad it's still in my feed reader and to see this update from you.
Welcome back!
What a nice surprise!
Wow! What a great surprise. You've been missed.
I've checked in, every so often, wondering how you were .... and here you are. Many of us missed you!
I keep your blog bookmarked and have checked back occasionally to see if you are back. It's nice to ready your words again. Your kids though!! So grown and beautiful! We aren't getting older. . .they are :-)
O câncer de mama é uma doença grave e recorrente que não pode ser curada com medicamentos ou injeções pelos médicos americanos, mas a melhor maneira de lidar com o câncer é tomando remédios naturais para ervas, eu li sobre DR JAMES, o grande médico herbalista que me curou do herpes com seu poderoso remédio herbal. Entrei em contato com ele para saber como ele pode me ajudar e ele me disse para nunca se preocupar em me ajudar com a mistura natural de ervas depois de 2 dias em contato com ele, ele me disse que a cura estava pronta e a enviou para mim via UPS SPEED POST e chegou a mim depois de 3 dias! Eu usei o remédio como ele me instruiu (MANHÃ E NOITE) e eu fui curada! É realmente como um sonho, mas estou muito feliz! para as pessoas que sofrem das seguintes doenças, doença ovariana, câncer, hipotireoidismo, herpes, DPOC, HIV, artrite, HPV, infecções, doença hepática, doenças autoimunes, doença de Parkinson, lúpus, nefrologia e hipertensão, neurologia, obstetrícia, ginecologia e Saúde da mulher, Oncologia, Pediatria, Pneumologia, Mielofibrose aguda, sintomas de Alzheimer, câncer de mama, diabetes, perda de cabelo e tratamento capilar, DOENÇAS RENAIS, LEUCEMIA, LEUCEMIA MIELÓIDE, TRATAMENTO DE CÉLULAS-TRONCO e outras pessoas que estejam em contato com ele para tomar o medicamento testemunho e fui curado de herpes e seu medicamento é legítimo. Enviei o que ele pediu e ele me enviou o remédio que tomei por 3 boas semanas e hoje estou aqui com resultado negativo. quando fui fazer o teste, fiquei muito feliz depois de tomar o remédio. você pode contatá-lo através do e-mail: drjamesherbalmix@gmail.com Whatsapp: +2348152855846
I'm here to share to the worldwide that Dr ogbekhilu is a Powerful Herbal Medicine man. that can cure your disease if only you can contact him and let him help you. I was cured from Herpes Disease. after 2 years of suffering but when i contacted him on the internet, he gave me a Natural cure that ended my sufferings after using it for 2 weeks. I went to check myself at the hospital and I was tested negative. I want to say a big thank you and also use this medium to announce to everyone, don't waste money on any scientific drugs that will only help suppress the symptoms there is a permanent cure, you can contact him anytime on any Kind of Disease he is Ready to help you. You can reach him through Email: drogbekhiluherbalhome@gmail.com ) Dr ogbekhilu whatsapp:+2348102460821 He also have herbal cure for Following DISEASES,-CHRONIC PROBLEMS }BRONCHITIS}COLD SORE-ALS-LOWER RESPIRATORY INFECTION-LOW SPERM COUNT-STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS-STROKE-IMPOTENCE-PILE-HYPERTENSION-LOW SPERM COUNT-ASTHMA-CANCER-BARENESS/INFERTILITY-FIBROID-ASTHMA
ei, amigos apenas querem compartilhar isso,
"Eu tenho HSV 2 desde os 22 anos e tenho mais ou menos 26 anos. Valtrex ficou disponível. Eu estava tomando 1 grama por dia (um pouco consistente) até cerca de 1,2 anos atrás. Foi ótimo e não tive um único surto em quase Por seis meses, meus dois ex-ex-combatentes não pegaram o vírus.Infelizmente, desenvolvi uma reação alérgica por uso prolongado e não posso mais tolerá-lo sem grandes erupções cutâneas, prurido intenso, hipersensibilidade e também com queda de cabelo. '' Estou tentando o Famvir, mas até agora estava de volta a ter surtos. até um dia fiel eu estava navegando na Internet procurando remédio no HERPES e vi comentários de pessoas falando sobre como o DR ogbekhilu os curou, quando o contatei, ele me deu esperança e envie-me um medicamento à base de plantas que tomei e funcionou seriamente para mim, sou uma pessoa livre agora sem nenhum problema, meu resultado no HERPES saiu negativo, agora estou curado permanentemente.
contate-o com as seguintes informações
E-mail: (drogbekhiluherbalhome @ gmail. Com)
O que é o aplicativo: (+ 2348102460821)
Ele também pode curar tantas doenças como
{1} HIV e AIDS {2} Diabetes {3} Epilepsia {4} Câncer de Sangue {5} HPV {6} ALS {7} vírus do herpes] 8] pós gotejamento nasal (9) telhas (10) herpes labial (11) disfunção erétil (12). Aumento do pênis (13.) Creme de aperto virginal (14.) Se você quer um filho (15.) Se você quer seu ex-marido.
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Are you battling with any health related issues or infection is not the end of your life, why not contact a herbal practitioner for cure Dr Irene has herbal remedies and permanent solution for all your health related problems' recommend him to you today only because i have also used his herbal medicine and it worked perfectly on my health problem, you can actually save yourself from giving your hard earned money to Scammers if only you can contact Dr Irene today for genuine and Permanent cure herbal products . Pls help share this post to save yourself and your loved ones. Dr Irene is specialize in these areas, Permanent herbal supplements for anxiety and depression, HIV/AIDS, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Blood, Cancer, HPV, ALS, herpes etc. also Email: drireneherbalcure@gmail.com or WhatsApp him on +2348078793935
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