29 January 2009

Memo to Today: It's Thursday, not Monday

I stayed home from work yesterday as the forecast was for all day snow switching over to ice pellets switching over to rain then the whole mess was set to freeze solid. I kept the kids home with me and we had a great day just wearing our pajamas and goofing off. Maddie and Riley took great naps while I shoveled the heavy, wet snow, and then after nap, I bundled them up and let them clear off the front porch with their pint-sized snow shovels. M&R love to wear their snow pants and hats and Gore-Tex mittens and get out in the inclement weather. I have created little New Englanders. How did that happen?

Today dawned sunny and bright, and we got bundled up and ready to go to daycare and work. We navigated our icy stairs and all got buckled into the car.

Which wouldn't start.

Evidently, I'd left a door ajar on Tuesday evening, so the battery had been drained by the interior light being left on. Crap.

I called AAA, who estimated a two-hour wait. It's been 1.5. As soon as I heard how long the wait was going to be, I threw the kids and their stuff into the stroller and hoofed it over to daycare so that I would not have to deal with AAA while the kids were around. I'm grateful that I live close enough to daycare to walk and that the sidewalks were passable, if just barely. Maddie and Riley thought it was a hoot to off-road in the jog stroller; we had to navigate some pretty impressive unplowed sections of sidewalk, so it was quite the adventure.

For now, I'm quite enjoying the morning. I got a call from the tow truck while I was at daycare letting me know that it would be about 90 minutes before they arrived, so I had time to stop at the store and pick up a few items we needed. I'm at home now with a latte and some breakfast. Hopefully AAA will be able to jump my car and I'll be on my way. At worst, I'll have to go see Paul, the friendly neighborhood gas station guy, for a new battery. Ideal? No. But all in all, not so bad.

One thing I've done today is turn down the job I interviewed for last week. I got the offer two days ago, and had a candid and productive conversation with the President and CEO about my situation and how it would affect my hours. She was surprisingly willing to accommodate that, to a certain extent, but after much thought I decided that a higher-stress job with somewhat longer hours and a very annoying commute was not for me. I'm sure I'd love the work and I feel somewhat guilty about taking things as far as I did and then deciding against the position. Ultimately, I didn't like that the job would infringe on my time with the twins. I don't want to cut back on our time together and I know they wouldn't like it either. I need to do what will keep me mentally as balanced as I can and physically as present as possible. Taking that job was not going to do that.

I sent a long e-mail to the CEO detailing my thought process and apologizing for taking so much of her time for a result that was not what she or I would have hoped for. I have not heard back from her.

I have a couple of other irons in the fire, job-wise. Who knows what awaits?


Karyn said...

ooh! first comment... :-) Enjoy your morning! It sounds lovely!

Sandi said...

About the job you turned down. I have a feeling this isn't the end of it, if they liked you that much. I remember my husband turning down a job because it involved too much travel and time away from the family and we were just about to have our second child. They liked him so much they came up with an offer he couldn't refuse and a wonderful compromise months later, after our daughter was born Having handled it in such an honest and classy way will work to your advantage.

Anonymous said...

I'd just like to pipe in with a big high five on getting the job, even if it isn't the right fit for you. The fact that you've interviewed and received an offer not terribly long after starting to toss yourself out there shows what a star you are, especially in this economy. Kudos to you!! And good for you for making the right choice for your family and handling it so honestly and maturely. I agree with Sandi that this will only serve you well.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you're making the most of your morning! :-)
I think you made the right decision on turning down the job. I admire you for putting your family first.


Momma Mary said...

Enjoy the break. My Thursday feels like a Monday too. Hopefully they'll be able to jump your car, and you'll be on your way quickly!

What A Card said...

Oh no! Car troubles! Hopefully you won't need to buy a new battery. TK had this AWFUL habit of leaving lights on in his car...you usually don't need a new battery (well, except when you're him and you do it once a week...eventually, you will need a new battery. But not the first time, and not even the fifth time!)

Congrats on the job offer, and for reaching a difficult decision to pass it up. That couldn't have been an easy decision, so I'm glad you were able to weigh the pros and cons and make a choice you're happy with.

Sadia said...

Congratulations on the offer, even if it isn't a good fit.

It feels like Monday here too. I worked from home yesterday; "work from home" with twin toddlers generally means about 5.5 hours of productive work between 7:00 am and 6:00 pm. Since we're in Texas, temperatures below 32 mixed with precipitation is enough for me to declare a "snow" day. We don't know how to handle cold; the city doesn't even own salt trucks.

Mama Mama Quite Contrary said...

Sounds like not only are your raising hearty New Englanders, you have become one yourself! I'm impressed!!!

Giselle said...

My battery died too. I drained it filling my tires with the compressor that plugs into the lighter--duh. The cold weather doesn't help either!

Best wishes on your job search. Sometimes you have to turn down what looks good on paper because you know it's just not worth the sacrifices that come with it.

Natika said...

Ya know if you lived in Oregon a neighbor would of ran to your rescue! We do that in Oregon.....!
Just sayin.....

amyinbc said...

Very good that you did not waste anyone's time or energy accepting a position you feel would have not worked. Am sure the manager completely understands and is grateful for the honesty. Keep looking..

Sandy said...

Well, you handled the morning very calmly and productively. I can't say I would have been as level-headed as you were. You're my inspiration today!

Anonymous said...

crap about the car!
great about the job!
don't sweat the turning down part. employers are use to it and don't take it personally.

Anonymous said...

Good move to send an explanatory letter to the CEO. Good move that you explained your situation when you discussed the job in the first place.

That means this outcome won't be a surprise. CEOs are busy, so they may take some time to get back to you, but as Sandi says it's not impossible that they'll try to make a fit.

And even if they don't, you might come across them again in the future. It's amazing how often that happens.

OTRgirl said...

Sounds like a strangely relaxing morning. I'm glad you got a job offer. In the economy right now, that's a huge pat on the back. It does sound like a good family-friendly decision to turn it down. Seems like you handled that really well.