12 September 2007

How to Feel Popular

I had been toying around with adding some kind of stats-gathering functionality to my site for while, and I finally got with the program and signed up with Sitemeter this week. As it would happen, Julie over at A Little Pregnant linked to me in her 10 September posting, "Would have wanted," a post that went up the very day I added Sitemeter.

First of all, being linked to by Julie makes me feel like a celebrity. I am all aglow. As if that weren't enough swelling of the head, Julie is sending me a ton of traffic. When I log on to Sitemeter, I feel seriously money. A quick glance at my referrals indicates that about half of the people who have visited my site this week have come via Julie. Welcome to all of you (and, of course, to those of you who found the site via other channels).

Sitemeter is a little like crack for me. The "Who's on now?" feature is particularly addictive, although the whole thing makes me feel like Big Sister. And the world map! Amazing. I'll be curious to see how traffic levels out in the next few weeks, once my fifteen minutes of fame are over.


Anonymous said...

I was linked over by Julie, and you're on my regular list now :) ~Angela

Anonymous said...

So you get to stalk us whole we stalk you now, eh? :-)

Could I have your autugraph, to prove I knew you before you got huge? LOL

Rock on!

Anonymous said...

uh, "while", not "whole"....

proofreading is a wonderful thing.
typing with one hand with no coffee in system is not.

Anonymous said...

I came over from Better Make it a Double last spring and stayed for the excellent writing.

~ Jolene said...

I'd like to think I knew you before you became "famous" too. :)

Anonymous said...

I learned of your site just a day or two before John died, and I think even then it was through Julie or maybe Tertia. I've been a daily reader since then. I couldn't believe it the other day when you mentioned it had been five months since John's death. Five months. Jesus. I have no personal experience with the type of grief you've been dealing with, but it seems surreal sometimes that time just marches on, paying no mind to any of our little troubles...

Anonymous said...

You are an amazing writer, I want to second Karen on that. (didn't want to forget that part)

Anyways. I'm one of those people who followed you over from Julie, and I seriously just combed your archives all day at work yesterday, continued when I got home last night until your husband died and I couldn't stop crying, and so I forced myself to turn off the computer. I just finished the rest of your archives this morning at work, and so I'm all presently caught up.

I know this is stalkerish, but I just wanted to say I think you are an amazingly strong woman. Not just because of John, but because of everything - the twins, putting up with the bullshit at your job, putting up with the combined bullshit/wonderfulness of your family. I think all people are strong in certain ways, and like you say repeatedly through your journey thus far, you think that anyone in your situation would be the same. I believe you are right to an extent. We would buck up and do it... but the rest of us would fail on some spectacular level. We would complain too much, we would need too much from other people, we would break down far more, we would make far more spelling errors :), etc.

But anyways, I just want to say that I'm becoming a daily reader, and not just to keep those site stats up. Wishing all the best for you, and hoping 2007 will speed along and just get over with.

Sylvie said...

Well, I have always loved your blog and was happy too when Julie linked to it! Something about your writing and life view resonates with me... we are the same age, seem to have similar international interests, independent then surprised how much love and family can overtake that stubborn independence. Keep writing, it is a pleasure to read.

Anonymous said...

while I love wordpress, I truly miss the ability to add site meter to my new blog. Although maybe I actually can, and am too web illiterate to figure out how? In any case, they have a built in stat counter, but it doesn't break down length of visit or the location of the visitor.

Which is to say that I once again am hearing you on this pleasure. And let me add that I, too, love love love your blog. And that I check my favorites many times a day when procrastinating - I swear I'm not really a crazy stalker!

Yankee T said...

I know then, that you know how often I am over here!

Jenie said...

I'm repeating exactly everything that Tamsen said. I clicked on over here from Julie and by yesterday afternoon couldn't even remember how I found you, but I couldn't stop reading. I just finished up with today's post. You are a very remarkable person and I'll be adding you to my daily reads/lurks.

Snickollet said...

Feeling even more popular now. Head swelling . . . swelling . . .

Spare Teeth, I'm like you with my favorite sites. On stats I must look like the World's Biggest Stalker b/c even when Google Reader tells me that nothing has been updated, I'll go check "just to be sure."

Thanks for the love, everyone.

Anonymous said...

Oh, try google analytics with sitemeter and you'll really feel like Big Sister.

Sherry said...

Just some more love from little old me...

I came here via Julie too - like some other readers I spent the better part of yesterday reading your archives - boy its hard to hide the sounds of crying in your cube.

I've really enjoyed reading you - you're an excellent writer. I'll be adding you to the list of blogs I follow.

Anonymous said...

I've already bookmarked you, lady. I'm staying! Even if some of the traffic does die down, I'll still be here. I'm hooked now.

Christine said...

Now I feel compelled to comment, so I don't come across as all stalkerish! Yes, I linked from Julie's blog, and have since posted the link on my own blog. I read all your (heart-wrenching) archives, and you are a wonderful writer. Your babies are beautiful, too.


Anonymous said...

Anything we can do to make you a little happier! You are a great writer. Your judicious word choice conveys a wealth of meaning and emotion without becoming maudlin or self pitying. And I love hearing about the children.

Heather said...

Just another person that linked over from Julie's blog and was instantly hooked. Luckily I work from home and no coworkers heard me sobbing while I read all your archives. However, I am blaming you for the fact that I GOT NOTHING DONE AT WORK YESTERDAY AT ALL!!! Totally your fault. :)

And now you're on my RSS feeder so I can keep up without checking in 15 times a day to see if you've posted something. Thanks for letting us into your life!

Amy said...

I also made my way here through others and am so glad I did. What a great job you're doing telling your story. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

My comments are the same as everyone elses - I followed the link from Julie and spent the day crying as I read your story. You are a strong and amazing woman and mother. And an excellent writer. I will def. be a daily reader!


amyinbc said...

If you think you are getting enough traffic put some ads up girl! We support you wholeheartedly and would love to add some silver if we can.

Karen said...

Another who came over from Julie's place... Thanks for letting us into your lives and I'm happy to help make your stats a little more interesting.

I'll be counting down the days of 2007 with and for you.

Anonymous said...

I probably show up as "United States" but I'm actually in New Brunswick...but you likely knew that.....

Christine said...

Now you know how often I check your blog for a new post! Yes, sitemeter is addictive. I don't remember how I got here, but I'm glad I found you!

OTRgirl said...

Of course, after your post, Jrex came home and told me I needed to up the security on my sitemeter. Your post had him checking out the sitemeter site, then looking at it via my site. He's prone to what I call 'paranoia' and he calls 'prudence'.

I've had sitemeter for a year, he's only just now checking it because of you.

I'm glad you can see how popular your really are!!

Nina said...

I actually found you before I found Julie... I think perhaps from Julia at Here Be Hippogriffs. Your story is heartbreaking, of course, but I admire your strength and courage. I am sure I will be going back to read your posts many times in the months ahead... and I will definitely want to see how you and your beautiful twins are doing.

Anonymous said...

Sitemeter sucks me in too. And did you know that I get much of my traffic from you?? So yes, you ARE popular!

Anonymous said...

I followed a link on a friends blog months ago, but have never commented. I just recently learned that you could see how often someone visits your blog. . . so even though my checking your blog comes up as someone from State Farm in Bloomington Il, I'm actually from Indiana! And I 'lurk' several times a day to check for new posts. I'm totally impressed with all that you have confronted over the past several years. . .and with such grace! there are many days that I wish I could cope with my life (so much less complicated than yours!) with half as much optimism and strength as you display day in and day out! thanks for letting me stalk/lurk!

Anonymous said...

I came over from Julie and am here to stay. You are an amazing woman. I know you've heard it before but...I don't know how you do it. I have an almost 2-year oldl daughter and a loving fiance and some days I think that I can't handle being a mom, girlfriend and full time employee! Anyway, your story has really touched me.