11 September 2007

Black Tuesday

Six years ago today: The 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Five months ago today: John died.



Anonymous said...

hi. I was touched by your blog. Hi to your kids.

Anonymous said...

A sad day on many levels, thinking of you, hard hugs.


~ Jolene said...

5 months already...wow. So hard to believe. A sad day indeed.

soralis said...

It's a sad day...

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and am going to read through your archives. My dad is dying very quickly from lung cancer and I am a mess. The only bright spot in my life right now is my twin daughters. I'm trying to hold it together for them, but I am not doing a very good job. Reading the stories of your twins brings a smile -- I remember those days! Mine are almost 10 and seem so grown up already.

Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss and all the families who lost someone on 9/11.

Christine said...

I find myself feeling the same kind of lethargy and sadness I felt six years ago. Of course, you have another dimension to your sadness. Hugs to you today.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog when Julie linked to it... Several hours (and zero housework) later, I've read the entire thing. I don't really have much to contribute... I guess I just wanted you to know that there's one more person out there reading, seeing your life, and cheering you on through the depth of your grief.

Carry on.

Anonymous said...


frostine said...

Oh, I'm so sorry, Snick. I think about you, all the time.

34 Years said...


Fellow Bostonian here.

I found your blog today; a couple of hours and some tears later I can't exit your space without commenting.

Your writing is pristine, emotional and smart - it leads a reader to feel like they are with you.

Consider me a new reader added to the many already here.

amyinbc said...

Anniversaries like this just suck.

Amy in bc

Anonymous said...

I'm new here ... just floored at your loss. I am so sorry.
Blessings on you and your children.