20 September 2006


The twins slept from 8:00 to 2:30 last night, then again from 2:45 to 6:45! It was seriously awesome. I'm not going to kid myself into thinking every night will be like this from now on, but it did come at a good time.

Both babies awoke in good moods, as one tends to do after a good night's sleep. In fact, I think this morning qualifies as my favorite parenting moment so far. I got to roll over and give my husband a big good-morning hug, then look over and see both our babies smiling at us. It was really amazing, and much needed.


Yankee, Transferred said...

Ah, blessed sleep.

Linda said...

The four hour stretches are to be celebrated. The first time baby slept for more than 3 hours, I felt like maybe there was hope. heh. So dramatic huh? That's what sleep deprivation does to me, I guess.