06 November 2006

Trying Not to Get Ahead of Myself

GH stayed home from work today. He's been fighting a cold for about three weeks now. Just when we think he's getting better, he takes a turn for the worse again. The rest of us have had the cold and moved on, but GH just can't shake it. This is what a compromised immune system will do to a guy.

I got home to find him in a foul mood, and who can blame him? He had a fever of 101.5, he had spent an hour listening to our son scream (Riley had refused two out of three of his bottles at day care and was hungry, tired and cranky), his voice was gone, he had chills, and he was coughing. I'd be cranky, too.

We got Riley down for a nap and GH holed up on the couch to rest a bit. We're both worried it's pneumonia, which would likely mean a hospital stay. Not only is this not good news for GH--who wants to stay in the hospital?--but it's not good news for me either since I'd be home alone with the babies. I know other people have done it and I could, too, but on top of everything else, it just sounds overwhelming. I'm trying not to get ahead of myself since we don't know that he's sick enough to require a hospital stay, but I am fretting and starting to think about who I could recruit to come to my house for a sleepover. Anyone out there want to visit us :)?

Keep the good thoughts coming. We could use them right now. GH goes in for an MRI tomorrow to check on the status of his cancer and then he'll stop by the oncologist's office to see what the deal is with his cold/flu/whatever. I'm trying to think positive, or at least not expect the worst.


Rev Dr Mom said...

I would come help with the babies if I could. Hope GH is better soon, and that it's not pneumonia!!

Unknown said...

So glad that you are staying on top of GH's illness--so important (we made a BIG mistake on that one with a "minor cold'; by the time we got to the hospital, my husband's bp was 60/30. I have never seen anyone move as fast as the ER doctor did. And my husband, amazingly, did bounce back from near total collapse). I do hope
GH's illness is easily (?) remedied. How I wish my daughter and I could hop on a plane and come hang out with you, GH, and the babies...we'd make soup, and eat vegetables, and go for walks.

Christine said...

I think the title of your post says it all. You need to take this a little at a time -- as hard as it is -- while being as proactive as you can. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Ugh- I'm sorry you have so much on your plate right now. I hope the cold gets better, and more importantly, I hope the MRI goes well.

Thinking of you...

Yankee, Transferred said...

Oh, dear, you KNOW I wish I were still close by.